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Motor & Motor Controller


Starter Generator, Ips Generator, Motor & Motor Controller

ePropelled's integrated Rhino ground motor and controller solutions form siblings to ePropelled Atlas UGV power generation, power conversion management, and hybrid-ready propulsion solutions that together enable unprecedented UGV use cases range, durability, adaptability, and mission agility.

Rhino propulsion and Atlas power generation and management systems leverage meticulous engineering to withstand harsh ground environments, manage rough terrain and meet demanding autonomous vehicle requirements.

Agile and power-efficient, Rhino propulsion motors, controllers, and complementary Atlas hybrid power solutions use ePConnect™ diagnostics to ensure longevity and uninterrupted performance, even in the most demanding conditions.

ePropelled’s agile and energy-efficient UGV propulsion motors, controllers, and hybrid power solutions are ideal for countless land-based use cases thanks to onboard electric generation, power conversion management, and hybrid-ready solutions that extend range and support mission agility.

ePropelled data-driven Rhino and Atlas series propulsion solutions, designed and manufactured in the USA, enable enhanced UGV maneuverability, greater control, and full autonomy, making it easier for ground vehicles to navigate freely and carry a wide variety of payloads across a broad set of conditions.

ePropelled Rhino and Atlas series features quiet yet powerful operation, ensuring minimal noise pollution and a peaceful environment for commercial, military, and even recreational use benefits. Rhino- and Atlas-powered UGVs operate more efficiently, reducing fuel consumption, battery size, and total operational costs – all while extending the range and mission capabilities of the vehicles.

ePropelled’s Rhino and Atlas ground-based systems, powered by cutting-edge technology, are a UGV game-changer with a strong focus on boosting energy efficiency, endurance, and by enhancing overall drivetrain performance.

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